Grayson was taken to the Emergency Department at SickKids and after his third visit, was admitted. Upon admission, Grayson suffered the most severe complication from E-coli called HUS and was transferred to the Nephrology Unit.
Most cases of HUS occur after infectious diarrhea due to a specific type of E. coli called O157:H7, which typically involves the production of Shiga toxin by the bacteria. HUS is a group of blood disorders characterized by low red blood cells, acute kidney failure and low platelets. Initial symptoms typically include bloody diarrhea, fever, vomiting and weakness. Kidney problems and low platelets then occur as the diarrhea lessens. Complications may include neurological problems and heart failure.
The impact on Grayson was significant. His kidneys went into failure and he had to have surgery for the insertion of a peritoneal dialysis catheter. He was started on 24-hour dialysis so that his little body could focus on fighting the HUS and the dialysis could take over his regular kidney function.